jueves, 21 de junio de 2007

Chris Rock y las elecciones

Aquí les pongo un monólogo de Chris Rock sobre las elecciones del 2008. Las elecciones en sí pueden ser una mierda pero que alguien pueda decir algo así en la televisión nacional un sábado por la noche y nadie caiga preso ni lo boten del trabajo –o que te esperen unos tipos que tú no conoces en la esquina de tu casa y te inviten sonrientes a entrar en su carro diciéndote “Sube, sube, que esto no es Argentina” implicando que no te van a desaparecer pero que en el fondo tienen el poder para hacerlo- bueno, sólo por eso vale la pena vivir en democracia.

Chris Rock: Good evening! Good evening, good evening! [ the applause dies down ] Now, in six-hundred and seventy-four days, we're gonna have a new Presient. And the field is just SO crowded. On the Republican side, there's McCain and Guiliani. Now, is it me, or was McCain too old eight years ago? And then we have Guiliani. Now, Guiliani's great. He's great -- in a crisis. But, uh, in real life, Guiliani's kind of like a pit bull. He's great when you have a burglar - but, if you don't, he just might eat your kids.

Then, we have the Democrats. And everybody's saying the same thing: "Hillary or Obama?" A black man, or a white woman. It's so HARD to make up my mind! You know, as if it was a SUFFERING contest! And, even if it was, how can you compare the suffering of a white woman to the suffering of a black man?! It's not even CLOSE! I mean, white women burned their bras; black men were burned alive! I mean, sure, white women couldn't vote for an a minute, so they'd march, and protest. You know? And when they had to get on the BUS to go to a protest, who do think gave up their seats? You know how much better Seabiscuit's life was than my grandfather's? You see, when a horse can't run any more, they put him out to stud; when a black man can't run any more, he gets shot fifty times! I mean, how can you compare the pain of a white woman to the pain of a black man? They used to hang black men just for looking at white women! I mean, nobody ever lynched a white woman! No white woman's ever been assassinated! Everybody looooves white women! White men love white women; black men reallllly love white women! I mean, did you see Anna Nicole Smith's funeral? She had SIX black men pallbearers! I thought Farrakhan died!

Everybody loves white women.. except white women! White women are the majority of the country, and they've had the right to vote for almost a hundred years, and still they've never elected a white women President! What are you bitches waiting for?! If black people were the majority of this country, there'd be a different Black President every day! Okay? Every year, a new Black person would get a term to be President! Obama would be President; Oprah'd be President; O.J.'d be President; Flavor Flav, Halle Berry'd be President for half-a-term! And for that very reason, that's why I predict Oback Barama will not only be the Democratic nominee for President, Oback Barama will be the NEXT President of the United States! Okay?

And for those doubters out there who keep asking the question, "Is American ready for a black President?" I say, "Why not? We just had a retarded one!"

4 comentarios:

  1. Estos comediantes norteamericanos son realmente geniales. El final no tiene precio. Muy bueno Enrisco. Gracias por facilitarnos, estas cosas, a los Infortunatos que no podemos verlas.

  2. SI, muy smart este tipo. BTW, el link de PM esta bueno, pero es solo un fragmento...donde estara completo el misterioso PM..?

  3. Lo que soy yo, no soporto al payaso este.

  4. yo no soy fan de chris rock como stand up comedian, la verdad.
    tampoco es que me maten sus películas.
    de quien soy fan es de los que le escriben los textos.
    oh, boy... y lo de los segurosos invitándote a montar en el carro...
    hay segurosos que te dan galleticas con jamón y luego... holy crap!
