martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Hoy en Times Square

The Durst Organization and Bernardo Navarro are proud to present "7 FROM CUBA" featuring seven contemporary Cuban artists. The show is on exhibit from July 28 - August 31, 2010 at the Conde Nast Building, 4 Times Square, New York, NY. A reception for the artists will be held on Wednesday, August 25th from 6-8pm and is open to the public.

In the current exhibition, seven artists from the island display a variety of conceptual approaches with diverse impacts. Alejandro Aguilera approaches the concerns of a society with strong religious iconography where Ana Albertinas' adopts a surrealist approach as does Zaida del Rio with her vision of a forest paradise. Lourdes Porrata, evoking Kafka's "Metamorphosis", presents the experience of a population that has been mutating for survival. Carlos Rodriguez Cardenas' works portray the dream of a better material future. Fernando Garcia portrays the past as better times and like Augustin Bejerano, is concerned with the wound caused by the passing of time and the wait for a better future.

There is a potent symbolism in much of this work and the archetypes they evoke tend to stay with one. This is not the folk art of an isolated people, but rather a sophisticated expression well within contemporary art practice.

Contact : Bernardo Navarro 917-684-7139

2 comentarios:

  1. Sera chealdad o verdad q a no ser el viejo y el bote,lo demas no me gusta, pero es este un mercado tan asombroso q como sabemos, hasta un mojon envuelto en celofan alguien te lo compra....Clase fenomeno caballero!!..
